Friday, April 13, 2007

Welted Seams

A customer was in the shop today asking for some help with a Berroco pattern that calls for a "welted seam". For a picture of the seam, click HERE. Well Sue and I were at a complete loss...

I came home and did a little Internet sleuthing, but there is not a byte of info to be had on "welted seams". If I had to make an educated guess, I'd say it's pretty darn close to an overcast stitch done on the right side. But not quite...if I could just put my hands on my copy of Mary Thomas' charming and fact filled knitting reference...but it's not, for some inexplicable reason (that only my messy house faeries know), with my other 10,000 knitting books...

so - I called the company. It turns out that Berroco has a pattern hotline!! The voice mail message promises someone will respond to my inquiry within 48 hours. I will let you know. In the meantime,if YOU have any thoughts, we'd love to know!!

Yours in knitting,


Anonymous said...

I also knitted the Wakame sweater in Berroco booklet #262 and was puzzled by the term welted seam.
I emailed Berroco and received this reply:

"The term welted seam is not a regular knitting term. It is a sewing term used in ready to wear garments. To achieve the welted seams shown on Wakame, sew the pieces together with the wrong sides together so that the seam shows on the right side."

Anonymous said...

I also emailed Berroco and here is reply:

These seams are simply sewn inside out. The best way to do this is the weaving method where you work one st in from the edge and catch the bar between the first and second sts. This is also called Mattress Stitch but you want to do it with the wrong sides facing you.

If you have never done this I am sure you can find tutorials on line or your local knitting shop will be pleased to help you.