Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Lifeline is a Lace Knitter's Best Friend

A lifeline is a length of yarn, threaded through live stitches in a work in progress, and then left in place to act as a sort of base point in the unfortunate event that the work must be ripped back.

I use them extensively when designing, as you can see in this picture of the shawl I am working on. When I want to try out a new section of lace, I place a lifeline. Then, if I'm not happy with my design choice, I simply slide the work off the needles and rip back with abandon until I come to the stitches held securely in place along the lifeline. This length of yarn, always a different color and preferably a smooth cotton, locks the row of stitches in place, and prevents the work from unraveling further than I would like.

This tool is particularly handy for lace knitting, as the blend of yarn overs and decreases makes picking up a row of live stitches tricky to say the least. However, I recommend it for any type of knitting that would be a hassle to take back or would be heart breaking to unravel too far.

For the lifeline to work properly, care must be taken to thread the scrap yarn through EVERY stitch on the needles. Notice in the picture that I am avoiding running the yarn through my stitch marker.

Once the lifeline is through every stitch, (and I should say here that you would only put the lifeline in after checking that the work knit to that point is error free and the stitch count is correct, etc) make a note of what row the lifeline is running through, so that if you do have to rip back, you'll immediately know what row is next!

Now, press onward with the confidence that comes from knowing if you make a mistake and feel compelled to tear it out, you can rip fearlessly and with abandon because you'll stop at the row of YOUR choosing, and all your correctly knit stitches will be laid out nicely and in order along the length of your lifeline, just waiting to be slipped back onto your needles!

So, cut a couple lengths of leftover cotton yarn, tuck them in your gadget bag with a tapestry needle, and knit, knit, knit!

Yours in knitting,



Anonymous said...

For those using Options, or other brands where the needle tips screw onto the cables: Thread your lifeline thruu that little hole used for the tightening tool. Knit a row. Slide the work onto the cable and take the thread out of the hole - voila! instant, hassle-free lifeline insertion!!!

Bev Love said...

When using the holes on Options and Harmony needles remember to remove your stitchmarkers on the row you are running your lifeline, or you will have to leave them in that row.